Squash blossoms

squashblossomYou can pick and eat the blossoms from zucchini, summer squash, pumpkin and winter squash vines. The Italians first discovered how tasty a delicacy these blossoms are.

Pick blossoms that are firm, fresh and slightly opened. Blossoms are either male or female, and cooking time may vary a little depending on gender. Caveat: when you pick a blossom, you are reducing your yield by one squash; fertilized blossoms left on the vine turn into squash. Rinse the outside of the furry down and gently wash out the inside, removing any insects.

squashblossoms2The blossoms can be prepared in various ways. They are lovely sauteed with garlic and herbs, and added to pasta. They can be dipped in a light tempura batter and fried. The Italians stuff them with grated mozzarella cheese and quickly bake them at 350 degrees until the cheese becomes soft.

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